1956 “they” couldn’t have done a better job if they wanted to” or ???

4 June, 2009

it’s 1956, the US has the largest, wealthiest, most powerful % of workers in the middle class in the history of the world.   in addition to being the world’s/history’s most powerful financial nation, industrial nation, and technologically advanced nation, only 11 years after a decade and a half of devastating depression and costly world war.

so the question for today is:  “If you wanted to destroy what the US was in 1956, how would you go about it?”

systematically undermine the family, organized labor, respect for the rule of law, and the currency.

by exponentially expanding the size and scope of government by deficit spending on arms races, space races, welfare, unnecessary wars, civil rights legislation and enforcement, free trade agreements, drug regulations, rico laws, tax cuts, and covert/secret, foreign and domestic policies centered from one unaccountable executive’s “elected” office.  with an able assistance from rock’n’roll, hollywood, the pill, the transistor, consumerism, and globalization.

simple as pie.

the next question then becomes: why was it done and cui bono ?

(hint: see 1913, 1941, 1945, 1947) … happy Carroll Quigley Day !