oil spill extrapolation questions

‘twould seem that the time has come to add another name to the lexicon of human hubris.  Deepwater Horizon takes it’s place alongside Titanic and Hindenburg.

And while many focus on the possible repercussions of the environmental and economic impact of the ongoing spill, i look toward the possible fallout (pardon the term) in US foreign policy.

If domestic oil and gas sources are to be significantly diminished for a lengthy period of time due to public demand to retrofit safety measures, how much pressure will the interim period place on the US securing foreign sources of energy?

Will the State Dept and the Pentagon (and the Oval Office) view this as an “opportunity” ?

How high will oil prices go in the meantime?

Watch closely the rhetoric and quantity of news stories concerning Iran in the next 90 days.  (You can be certain the Israelis will)

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